HMDWL 121! Tonight we love Hipstamatic for the iPhone, movie snacks, and Haagen-Dazs Five ice cream. We also love the Flat 29’s Big Book of Everything podcast.

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3 Responses to “HMDWL 121”

  1. Tweets that mention How Much Do We Love… » Blog Archive » HMDWL 121 -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SavAveSanFran, HowMuchDoWeLove…. HowMuchDoWeLove… said: HMDWL 121 is up! […]

  2. Wes Stone Says:

    I love the Junior Mints! One of my all time favorite movie snacks I think because my parents used to buy them for me at the theater. So it makes me feel like a kid again.

    At one of the independent theaters near me, the theater has a popcorn toppings station. They have different flavors/seasonings you can sprinkle on top, like cheddar, white cheddar, nacho, etc. I never used it, but it looks tempting. I have bought these types of shakers in the store and put them on my popcorn when I make it at home. A nice way to accent a tasty treat.

  3. Upcoming Live Show for Pride 48 « Flat 29's Big Blog of Everything Says:

    […] Sara and Rob from the How Much Do We Love podcast on our podcast Chapter 14 on Love, they gave us a really lovely “review” on their show, recommending our podcast to their listeners. From this, we found that we were being mentioned on a […]