HMDWL 53! Tonight we talk about things *you* love, including Netflix, pocket surprises, Pez, and free chips and salsa. We also love NBC’s 30 Rock, especially Jack McBrayer.

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3 Responses to “HMDWL 53”

  1. Michael Says:

    Yup, CT is the Nutmeg State (as well as the Constitution State). Our state bird is the Robin and our state song is Yankee Doodle (why? I don't know). Connecticut is home to the first hamburger (1895), Polaroid camera (1934), helicopter (1939), color television (1948), and female governor (1974). All this and PEZ too! Woo! 🙂

  2. Archerr Says:

    I do the exact same thing with Netflix. I have the cheap option…one DVD out at a time so I watch it the day it comes and get it right back in the mail. I end up getting to see 5 or 6 movies a month for 9.99…what a deal.

  3. Tony Humrichouser Says:

    I like the 3 at a time option…17.99 seems to keep me happy…the 4 at a time seems to be deceptive…especially since they have tried to trick you into the upgrade this past week…